The theme of this work is "life. I named it "Miracle" because I feel that the birth of life in this world is a miraculous moment that comes from many connections. "Thank you so much for being born in this world. I never knew there was such a precious existence in this world.... I would also like to thank my parents. Without my parents, I would not have been born, nor would this child have been born. I am filled with gratitude for the mysterious fate of so many lives that lead to the present. My illustrations express the joy, excitement, and love of the precious life that was born into this world. この作品のテーマは「生命」 題名はこの世に命が生まれることは色んな繋がりからくる奇跡の瞬間という気持ちから「奇跡」と名付けました。 「生まれてきてくれて本当にありがとう」この世にこんなに尊い存在がいるなんて… 両親がいなければ私も生まれていなく、この子も 生まれていなかったので両親に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいでした。 沢山の命が今に繋がっている不思議な縁と感謝そして 大切な命がこの世に生まれた喜び・感動・愛しい気持ちをイラストで表現した作品です。
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