ETH Price: $2,757.98 (-0.49%)

Ethereum Gas Tracker


1.091 gwei
Base: 1.091 | Priority: 0
$0.06 | ~ 30 secs


1.096 gwei
Base: 1.091 | Priority: 0.005
$0.06 | ~ 30 secs


1.141 gwei
Base: 1.091 | Priority: 0.05
$0.07 | ~ 30 secs

Additional Info

Last Block


Pending Queue


Avg Block Size


Avg. Utilization


Last Refreshed:

Featured Actions

Action Low Average High
NFT Sale$1.81$1.82$1.89

Gas Price Heatmap

7 Day Historical Oracle Gas Prices

Top 50 Gas Guzzlers (Contracts / Accounts that consume a lot of Gas)

Rank Address Fees Last 3hrs % Used 3hrs Fees Last 24hrs % Used 24hrs Analytics
🥇 1 Tether: USDT Stablecoin $6,321.19 (2.29 Eth) 6.49%
$57,829.49 (20.97 Eth) 5.42%
🥈 2 Uniswap V4: Universal Router $5,153.22 (1.87 Eth) 4.22%
$60,874.25 (22.07 Eth) 4.75%
🥉 3 Circle: USDC Token $2,148.51 (0.78 Eth) 2.51%
$26,429.34 (9.58 Eth) 2.71%
4 0x00000000...072C22734 $1,198.10 (0.43 Eth) 2.23%
$16,771.53 (6.08 Eth) 2.51%
5 XEN Crypto: XENT Token $1,063.08 (0.39 Eth) 2.17%
$7,532.03 (2.73 Eth) 2.14%
6 CoinTool: XEN Batch Minter $849.60 (0.31 Eth) 1.97%
$5,443.62 (1.97 Eth) 1.60%
7 Metamask: Swap Router $1,930.59 (0.70 Eth) 1.67%
$21,075.17 (7.64 Eth) 1.79%
8 LI.FI: LiFi Diamond $1,066.85 (0.39 Eth) 1.41%
$11,131.24 (4.04 Eth) 1.30%
9 MEV Bot: 0x000...e49 $1,343.77 (0.49 Eth) 1.38%
$11,534.73 (4.18 Eth) 0.63%
10 0xF3dE3C0d...172509127 $1,041.57 (0.38 Eth) 1.33%
$7,043.65 (2.55 Eth) 0.85%
11 jaredfromsubway: MEV Bot 2 $7,818.18 (2.83 Eth) 1.28%
$97,452.84 (35.33 Eth) 1.17%
12 Uniswap V2: Router 2 $1,162.23 (0.42 Eth) 1.07%
$15,447.40 (5.60 Eth) 1.44%
13 XEN Minter: 0xc3...26f $419.19 (0.15 Eth) 1.06%
$6,325.65 (2.29 Eth) 1.43%
14 MCT: MXENFT Token $431.86 (0.16 Eth) 1.06%
$5,019.84 (1.82 Eth) 1.42%
15 Aggregation Router V5 $762.97 (0.28 Eth) 0.96%
$14,180.70 (5.14 Eth) 1.44%

Top 50 Gas Spenders (Sending Accounts that pay a lot of Gas)

Rank Address Fees Last 3hrs % Spent 3hrs Fees Last 24hrs % Spent 24hrs Analytics

Historical Data For Gas Oracle Prices

Block Age Low Gas Price Average Gas Price High Gas Price
Action Gas Limit Low Average High

Gas refers to the fee required to successfully conduct a transaction on the Ethereum blockchain. Gas fees are paid in Ether (ETH) and denominated in Gwei. Learn more about Gas in our Knowledge Base.