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- ERC-20 Tokens (189)223.89624244 GNTGolem (GNT)1,000.00000008 1INCH1INCH Token (1INCH)$520.52@0.520510,000.00000098 NXRAAllianceBloc... (NXRA)$788.11@0.07881,000.00000099 API3API3 (API3)$2,540.00@2.541,968.12566863 APYAPY Governan... (APY)$2.87@0.001549,998.38314437 ALIArtificial L... (ALI)$933.67@0.01871 ATRIAtariToken (ATRI)$0.00@0.000316,000.00000064 AUDIOAudius (AUDIO)$3,594.26@0.2246500 AXLAxelar (AXL)$529.50@1.05919,997 BALLBAGBallbag (BALLBA...)30,109.40179095 BITROCKBitrock (BITROC...)$1,822.25@0.06051,501.34042585 BRKLBrokoli Toke... (BRKL)$7.48@0.0054,547.27975832 CRBNCarbon (CRBN)$17.29@0.003832.03154823 CARDSCARD.STARTER (CARDS)181,000.00000018 CHAINChain Games (CHAIN)$4,223.54@0.0233100.00000008 LINKChainLink To... (LINK)$2,391.00@23.9120,000.00000083 CHZchiliZ (CHZ)$2,574.56@0.12877,779.37903873 COTICOTI Token (COTI)$1,313.10@0.16880 MANADecentraland (MANA)$0.00@0.77911.00000092 DERCDeRace Token (DERC)$0.14@0.13861,000,000,000 ELONDogelon (ELON)$241.03@0.000.33002024 DPXDopex Govern... (DPX)$3.88@11.76255.00004492 DOPDrops Owners... (DOP)$3.54@0.01390.54032272 DYDXdYdX (DYDX)$0.98@1.8112,000.00000063 ESEeesee (ESE)$391.23@0.032610,000.00000093 ENJEnjinCoin (ENJ)$3,751.76@0.375249,952.74765288 ENQAIenqAI (ENQAI)$1,751.21@0.03514,098.71124359 erowanerowan (erowan)$0.03@0.009,999.58403966 IDEverest ID (ID)$398.39@0.03983,000.00000037 FETFetch (FET)$5,670.00@1.8932,164.00447084 FVTFinance.Vote... (FVT)$23.09@0.0007500,000 FIREFire Protoco... (FIRE)$426.01@0.000910,000.00000056 FOXFOX (FOX)$705.82@0.070675.16386703 FSTFutureswap T... (FST)$0.32@0.00433,000.00000084 GRTGraph Token (GRT)$970.70@0.32362,026,721,232,729.67 HOKKHokkaidu Inu (HOKK)$18.81@0.001,530,839.304901 IGGIG Gold (IGG)$10.04@0.00101.00000044 ILVIlluvium (ILV)$6,868.00@68.00100.01574573 INJInjective To... (INJ)$3,269.79@32.6928414.07437868 INSURInsurAce (INSUR)$8.83@0.0213123.21619278 KEEPKEEP Token (KEEP)$22.60@0.183442,000 KNDXKondux (KNDX)$4,773.01@0.1136163.16191109 L2Leverj Gluon (L2)$0.36@0.002258,073.02748833 LIFELife Crypto (LIFE)$5.21@0.000121.605 LDLong Dragon (LD)$0.05@0.0021203.39644335 LQTYLQTY (LQTY)$377.14@1.854210 MARS4MARS4 (MARS4)$0.01@0.00064,159.33313643 MANMATRIX AI Ne... (MAN)$143.19@0.034426.99804513 CAHMoon Tropica (CAH)$624.62@23.13598,176.29836377 XMWMorphware (XMW)$1,083.11@0.1325108,068.89727274 XFTOffshift (XFT)$33,569.33@0.31061,000.00000097 ONDOOndo (ONDO)$1,720.00@1.72500.00000009 ORAIOraichain To... (ORAI)$6,155.00@12.312,221.86816538 PALMPaLM AI (PALM)$3,234.36@1.455774.81426429 PAPERPAPER token (PAPER)$63.84@0.85331 PEPEPepe (PEPE)$0.00@0.001,000.00000002 pepecoinpepeCoin (pepeco...)$4,231.75@4.2317261.84939391 PIXELPIXEL (PIXEL)$72.59@0.2772670.0000899 POP!POP! (POP!)3,000.00000091 PROPCPropchain To... (PROPC)$5,853.24@1.9511100,889.06430323 QKCQuarkChain T... (QKC)$1,300.87@0.0129100,715.48901685 RADARRadar (RADAR)$349.89@0.00352,000.00000076 RAILRail (RAIL)$1,853.46@0.926730,000.00000073 RSTRaini Studio... (RST)$429.03@0.0143947.23876546 RGTRari Governa... (RGT)$231.30@0.2442777,777.77777787 (REEF)$1,572.41@0.002200.00000068 RNDRRender Token (RNDR)$1,960.00@9.801,500.00007403 REVORevomon (REVO)$16.91@0.0113263,520.94999079 SSSharder (SS)1.00000092 SHIShina Inu (SHI)$0.00@0.0034,819.13910795 SPELLSpell Token (SPELL)$39.91@0.00117,702.9955224 STACKStackOS (STACK)100.00000069 SNXSynthetix Ne... (SNX)$303.00@3.03200,000.00000019 DOGThe Doge NFT (DOG)$912.85@0.00462,897.00008111 TXLTixl Token (TXL)$6.86@0.002421.11 UDSUndeadServic... (UDS)$4.34@0.20555,000.00000066 VXVVectorspaceA... (VXV)$2,624.10@0.52481,000,000.00000054 VRAVERA (VRA)$7,370.61@0.00742,000.00000087 WLDWorldcoin (WLD)$6,620.00@3.31243.478941 YELDYELD (YELD)$31.96@0.131220,100.00000828 YOPYOP (YOP)$1.02@0.000130,031.94094144 BIGTIMEBig Time (BIGTIM...)$6,363.11@0.21195,000.00000075 KNCKyber Networ... (KNC)$4,137.66@0.82750.25000074 WETHWrapped Ethe... (WETH)$966.79@3,867.153745,200 Get $AGIX reward at https://agixv2.comERC-20: ! AG... (Get $A...)204,800 CGPT Reward Token (Website: ! CG... (CGPT R...)400,000 Earn rewards at https://galanodes.comERC-20: ! ga... (Earn r...)7,140 Receive $LQTY at https://liquity-finance.comERC-20: ! LQ... (Receiv...)100,000 Migrate your AGIX at https://migrate-agix.comERC-20: ! mi... (Migrat...)25 ORAI Reward Tickets ( # OR... (ORAI R...)783,000 DOG Voucher Token ( $ ow... (DOG Vo...)389,169,304.97819 888ERC-20: 888 ... (888)1,373,577 Swap to ETH here - https://Abroshib.orgERC-20: Abro... (Swap t...)1,098,758.04463789 AI.MAXERC-20: AI T... (AI.MAX)172.15 Swap at LINKToken.ioERC-20: aLIN... (Swap a...)100,000.00000023 ALPHRALPHR$899.68@0.0093,529.55624594 ANGELERC-20: Ange... (ANGEL)120,000 ANFDAngry Doge3,897.456395 BGLDERC-20: Base... (BGLD)500.00000018 basedAIbasedAI$3,795.00@7.5914,140.92894211 BeanERC-20: Bean... (Bean)217.42265316 BZNBenzene$32.74@0.150632.03154823 CARDSV2ERC-20: Card... (CARDSV...)4,445.00000008 CGPTChainGPT$967.22@0.217618,882.60794521 TECHCryptomeda$0.23@0.001,552.59966067 DDOSDisbalancer$67.70@0.043613,915,948.9549715 DUCKYDucky$96.58@0.00300,000 DyDex.ioERC-20: DyDe... (DyDex....)24,000,000.0000459 FLOKIERC-20: FLOK... (FLOKI)128,546,620.919242 FYMERC-20: FUCK... (FYM)500,000.0000002 FTRERC-20: Futu... (FTR)3,956.3498406 GDTGDT$9.47@0.0024315.49320854 GNYerc20GNYerc20$3.30@0.0105154,632.93694585 HOKKHokkaido Inu$39.39@0.00032,033,934.53010322 HMIHugo McGregor Inu2,252,520,011.98549 JEJUDOGEJejudoge111,136,779,835.691 JINDOGEERC-20: Jind... (JINDOG...)51,869,111.7713874 KNDXKondux63.00008283 LIXLixir Token10,000,000.0000004 MAGAMAGA$843.70@0.0001108,692,178,142.11 MSCERC-20: Mans... (MSC)2,329.53122243 MORAMeliora487,387.56649714 MMACOMERC-20: MMAC... (MMACOM)0 AXSOld Axie Infinity Shard21,501.00007596 PAPERPaper$51.95@0.002450,000,000.0000008 PEPEDOGEERC-20: Pepe... (PEPEDO...)14,168,242,021,717.3 PIXUERC-20: Pixe... (PIXU)7,292.06486375 PLEERC-20: Plet... (PLE)25.95000018 PYRPYR Token$108.77@4.191584.0290869 RPGRangers Protocol Gas789.92089911 RELRelevant35,087.83307756 RSRReserve Rights375,880,685.983853 RickMortyDoxxRickMortyDoxx6,960,001,112.61759 SAITAMASaitama Inu13,185.47235546 SRLTYERC-20: Sait... (SRLTY)1,000,000 SBECOMERC-20: SheB... (SBECOM)1,948,584.91469345 SHIBALERC-20: Shib... (SHIBAL)166,427,063.318771 FOXXStar Foxx1,533,299,907,959,590 SBJesusSweet Baby Jesus |,927.98390284 SYNERC-20: SYNE... (SYN)23,000 ROOTThe Root Network$960.40@0.041825.28140662 tTokeERC-20: Toke... (tToke)298.57244084 TOKENTokenFi$23.56@0.0789473.29666614 VPADERC-20: VLau... (VPAD)24,300,000.0000829 WGMIERC-20: WGMI (WGMI)23,773.95889338 AI Smart Contract Auditor$9,077.18@0.38182,159,558,180,685.26 AIDIAidi Inu200,000.72392391 CAPSCapsule Coin$1,272.01@0.00641,025.3970415 C3CHARLI3$144.00@0.1404591.8675426 CWAPdeFIRE50,000.00000009 GALAGala$2,983.10@0.0597100,098.72535743 JASMYJasmyCoin$4,530.01@0.04537,777.78679208 $LOOTLootBot$1,073.86@0.1381555.05000098 TRUMPMAGA$888.08@1.60200,000 RAINIRainicorn$556.62@0.00282,866.17055793 RAZERaze Network$3.38@0.0012119.08731932 TRDGTardigrades.Finance$0.00@0.004,445,559,801.43497 UFOTHE TRUTH$3,865.87@0.007,976.93775194 TOTMTotem Token$47.47@0.006204,200 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]46,500 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]400 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]950 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]7,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]4,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,393 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]8,239,291 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]400 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]93,989.28 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]0.87 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]113,054 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]740,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]214,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]1,500 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]132.84 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]9,900 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]480,000,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]7,770 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]7,736,100 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]1,393 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]98,134 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]707,090 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]300,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]1,350 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]1 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]185 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]1,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]NFT Tokens (55)GENKAIGenkaiERC-721OPENSTOREOpenSea Shared Storefrontx2ERC-1155SLOTHzSlothzx2ERC-721UNI-V3-POSUniswap V3: Positions NFT# NFTERC-1155claim rewards on agixcoin.netagixcoin.netERC-1155claim rewards on apylink.netapylink.netERC-1155ASAstrobot SocietyERC-721Bulliever Island LimitedBulliever Island LimitedERC-1155Coffee Junkies NFTCoffee Junkies NFTERC-1155DNXDINOXERC-721claim rewards on dydxnetwork.orgdydxnetwork.orgERC-1155Ether Goddesses OfficialEther Goddesses OfficialERC-1155claim rewards on fetchfinance.netfetchfinance.netERC-1155claim rewards on graphtoken.orggraphtoken.orgERC-1155illuvium.giftIlluvium Mysterybox NFTERC-1155claim rewards illuviumnetwork.netilluviumnetwork.netERC-1155claim rewards on injectivepool.orginjectivepool.orgERC-1155IManInvisible ManERC-721Lives of Asuna LimitedLives of Asuna LimitedERC-1155MANDELNFTMandelNFTx5ERC-721NEXERA WITHDRAWAL BADGENEXERA: Airdrop RecipientERC-1155NFTSNFT STARS COINERC-1155claim rewards on ondonetwork.orgondonetwork.orgERC-1155claim rewards on renderpool.orgrenderpool.orgERC-1155claim rewards on snxtoken.comsnxtoken.comERC-1155Squirrelly SquirrelsSquirrelly SquirrelsERC-1155The Lives of Asuna ClubThe Lives of Asuna ClubERC-1155WETH Powered By Noox.FinanceUniswap Receipent BadgeERC-1155ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]
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Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToUnoswap 21318520 2024-12-03 0:52:59 2 days ago 1733187179 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0027744 20.04457648 Unoswap 21318436 2024-12-03 0:35:47 2 days ago 1733186147 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00241438 23.33524618 Cancel Order 21318127 2024-12-02 23:33:23 2 days ago 1733182403 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00111755 24.23354054 Approve 21318009 2024-12-02 23:09:11 2 days ago 1733180951 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00127151 27.26827046 Unoswap 21317933 2024-12-02 22:53:59 2 days ago 1733180039 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00269094 26.09627528 Swap And Bridge 21315995 2024-12-02 16:23:59 2 days ago 1733156639 OUT 0.00114034 ETH$4.41 0.00709441 31.41789846 Fill Contract Or... 21315984 2024-12-02 16:21:47 2 days ago 1733156507 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00337856 29.66959905 Fill Contract Or... 21315919 2024-12-02 16:08:47 2 days ago 1733155727 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00397227 29.04300943 Swap And Bridge 21307557 2024-12-01 12:07:59 3 days ago 1733054879 OUT 0.00122094 ETH$4.72 0.00204427 9.05268134 Fill Contract Or... 21307530 2024-12-01 12:02:35 3 days ago 1733054555 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00159193 8.62709607 Approve 21298389 2024-11-30 5:25:11 5 days ago 1732944311 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00028944 6.13529349 Unoswap 21298384 2024-11-30 5:24:11 5 days ago 1732944251 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00069955 4.83283953 Swap And Bridge 21298367 2024-11-30 5:20:47 5 days ago 1732944047 OUT 0.0012576 ETH$4.86 0.00158334 7.0115547 Unoswap 21298361 2024-11-30 5:19:35 5 days ago 1732943975 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00068214 5.42036364 Swap And Bridge 21298210 2024-11-30 4:48:59 5 days ago 1732942139 OUT 0.0012576 ETH$4.86 0.0014219 6.2966149 Unoswap 21298176 2024-11-30 4:42:11 5 days ago 1732941731 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00066296 5.26728421 Swap 21297486 2024-11-30 2:22:59 5 days ago 1732933379 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00045906 6.12819586 Eth Unoswap 21282528 2024-11-28 0:01:11 7 days ago 1732752071 OUT 0.003 ETH$11.60 0.0022881 16.95856432 Approve 21282503 2024-11-27 23:56:11 7 days ago 1732751771 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00053771 11.38986218 Cross To 21282459 2024-11-27 23:47:23 7 days ago 1732751243 OUT 0.00000447 ETH$0.02 0.00220485 14.60218092 Cross To 21282449 2024-11-27 23:45:23 7 days ago 1732751123 OUT 0.00000447 ETH$0.02 0.00202712 13.4250853 Approve 21282446 2024-11-27 23:44:47 7 days ago 1732751087 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00063182 13.47241872 Eth Unoswap 21282406 2024-11-27 23:36:47 7 days ago 1732750607 OUT 0.030511 ETH$117.99 0.00193699 14.35498583 Eth Unoswap 21282236 2024-11-27 23:02:47 7 days ago 1732748567 OUT 0.763692 ETH$2,953.31 0.00245511 16.1483455 Eth Unoswap 21282202 2024-11-27 22:55:47 7 days ago 1732748147 OUT 0.302257 ETH$1,168.87 0.00170241 14.77441206 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block From To 21318816 2024-12-03 1:52:35 2 days ago 1733190755 0.27353407 ETH$1,057.80 21255973 2024-11-24 6:59:59 11 days ago 1732431599 3.87306668 ETH$14,977.74 21255967 2024-11-24 6:58:47 11 days ago 1732431527 2.03775321 ETH$7,880.30 21255882 2024-11-24 6:41:47 11 days ago 1732430507 2.19108937 ETH$8,473.28 21254388 2024-11-24 1:42:11 11 days ago 1732412531 0.99929999 ETH$3,864.45 21248634 2024-11-23 6:25:59 12 days ago 1732343159 0.0134697 ETH$52.09 21146604 2024-11-09 0:47:23 26 days ago 1731113243 0.67188985 ETH$2,598.30 20547164 2024-08-17 8:30:59 109 days ago 1723883459 0.02660581 ETH$102.89 20547132 2024-08-17 8:24:35 109 days ago 1723883075 0.00125515 ETH$4.85 20481886 2024-08-08 5:50:59 119 days ago 1723096259 0.0106618 ETH$41.23 20459162 2024-08-05 1:45:23 122 days ago 1722822323 0.16687427 ETH$645.33 20452059 2024-08-04 2:00:23 123 days ago 1722736823 0.0001506 ETH$0.58 20413776 2024-07-29 17:40:23 128 days ago 1722274823 0.37783494 ETH$1,461.15 20413494 2024-07-29 16:43:47 128 days ago 1722271427 0.02712972 ETH$104.91 20352696 2024-07-21 5:03:23 137 days ago 1721538203 0.02855591 ETH$110.43 20352221 2024-07-21 3:27:35 137 days ago 1721532455 0.02683397 ETH$103.77 20351673 2024-07-21 1:37:59 137 days ago 1721525879 0.00286327 ETH$11.07 20292683 2024-07-12 20:01:59 145 days ago 1720814519 0.06354107 ETH$245.72 20273347 2024-07-10 3:15:59 148 days ago 1720581359 0.00739123 ETH$28.58 20241230 2024-07-05 15:34:23 152 days ago 1720193663 0.03302074 ETH$127.70 20222284 2024-07-03 0:04:23 155 days ago 1719965063 0.00180441 ETH$6.98 20222197 2024-07-02 23:46:23 155 days ago 1719963983 0.00254536 ETH$9.84 20222184 2024-07-02 23:43:47 155 days ago 1719963827 0.00888298 ETH$34.35 20211240 2024-07-01 11:02:11 156 days ago 1719831731 0.00669074 ETH$25.87 20211133 2024-07-01 10:40:47 156 days ago 1719830447 0.01404485 ETH$54.31 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH 12.69% $0.310629 108,068.8973 $33,569.33 ETH 3.43% $0.381812 23,773.9589 $9,077.18 ETH 2.79% $0.007371 1,000,000 $7,370.61 ETH 2.60% $68 101 $6,868 ETH 2.50% $3.31 2,000 $6,620 ETH 2.41% $0.211878 30,031.9409 $6,363.11 ETH 2.33% $12.31 500 $6,155 ETH 2.21% $1.95 3,000 $5,853.24 ETH 2.14% $1.89 3,000 $5,670 ETH 1.80% $0.113643 42,000 $4,773.01 ETH 1.71% $0.045255 100,098.7254 $4,530.01 ETH 1.60% $4.23 1,000 $4,231.75 ETH 1.60% $0.023334 181,000 $4,223.54 ETH 1.56% $0.827532 5,000 $4,137.66 ETH 1.46% $0.000001 4,445,559,801.435 $3,865.87 ETH 1.43% $7.59 500 $3,795 ETH 1.42% $0.375176 10,000 $3,751.76 ETH 1.36% $0.224641 16,000 $3,594.26 ETH 1.24% $32.69 100.0157 $3,269.79 ETH 1.22% $1.46 2,221.8682 $3,234.36 ETH 1.13% $0.059662 50,000 $2,983.1 ETH 0.99% $0.524819 5,000 $2,624.1 ETH 0.97% $0.128728 20,000 $2,574.56 ETH 0.96% $2.54 1,000 $2,540 ETH 0.90% $23.91 100 $2,391 ETH 0.74% $9.8 200 $1,960 ETH 0.70% $0.92673 2,000 $1,853.46 ETH 0.69% $0.060521 30,109.4018 $1,822.25 ETH 0.66% $0.035057 49,952.7477 $1,751.21 ETH 0.65% $1.72 1,000 $1,720 ETH 0.59% $0.002022 777,777.7778 $1,572.41 ETH Ether (ETH)0.50% $3,867.15 0.3428 $1,325.49 ETH 0.50% $0.168793 7,779.379 $1,313.1 ETH 0.49% $0.012894 100,889.0643 $1,300.87 ETH 0.48% $0.00636 200,000.7239 $1,272.01 ETH 0.41% $0.13247 8,176.2984 $1,083.11 ETH 0.41% $0.138068 7,777.7868 $1,073.86 ETH 0.37% $0.323568 3,000 $970.7 ETH 0.37% $0.217598 4,445 $967.22 ETH 0.37% $3,867.15 0.25 $966.79 ETH 0.36% $0.041757 23,000 $960.4 ETH 0.35% $0.018674 49,998.3831 $933.67 ETH 0.35% $0.004564 200,000 $912.85 ETH 0.34% $0.008997 100,000 $899.68 ETH 0.34% $1.6 555.05 $888.08 ETH 0.32% $0.000084 10,000,000 $843.7 ETH 0.30% $0.078811 10,000 $788.11 ETH 0.27% $0.070582 10,000 $705.82 ETH 0.24% $23.14 26.998 $624.62 ETH 0.21% $0.002783 200,000 $556.62 ETH 0.20% $1.06 500 $529.5 ETH 0.20% $0.520515 1,000 $520.52 ETH 0.16% $0.014301 30,000 $429.03 ETH 0.16% $0.000852 500,000 $426.01 ETH 0.15% $0.039841 9,999.584 $398.39 ETH 0.15% $0.032602 12,000 $391.23 ETH 0.14% $1.85 203.3964 $377.14 ETH 0.13% $0.003474 100,715.489 $349.89 ETH 0.11% $3.03 100 $303 ETH 0.09% <$0.000001 1,000,000,000 $241.03 ETH 0.09% $0.24418 947.2388 $231.3 ETH 0.05% $0.140434 1,025.397 $144 ETH 0.05% $0.034427 4,159.3331 $143.19 ETH 0.04% $4.19 25.95 $108.77 ETH 0.04% $0.000007 13,915,948.955 $96.58 ETH 0.03% $0.277208 261.8494 $72.59 ETH 0.03% $0.043603 1,552.5997 $67.7 ETH 0.02% $0.853323 74.8143 $63.84 ETH 0.02% $0.002416 21,501.0001 $51.95 ETH 0.02% $0.005951 7,976.9378 $47.47 ETH 0.02% $0.001146 34,819.1391 $39.91 ETH 0.01% $0.000255 154,632.9369 $39.39 ETH 0.01% $0.150582 217.4227 $32.74 ETH 0.01% $0.131246 243.4789 $31.96 ETH <0.01% $0.078922 298.5724 $23.56 ETH <0.01% $0.000718 32,164.0045 $23.09 ETH <0.01% $0.18343 123.2162 $22.6 ETH <0.01% <$0.000001 2,026,721,232,729.6729 $18.81 ETH <0.01% $0.003803 4,547.2798 $17.29 ETH <0.01% $0.011271 1,500.0001 $16.91 ETH <0.01% $0.000007 1,530,839.3049 $10.04 ETH <0.01% $0.002393 3,956.3498 $9.47 ETH <0.01% $0.021314 414.0744 $8.83 ETH <0.01% $0.004984 1,501.3404 $7.48 ETH <0.01% $0.002369 2,897.0001 $6.86 ETH <0.01% $0.00009 58,073.0275 $5.21 ETH <0.01% $0.205541 21.11 $4.34 ETH <0.01% $11.76 0.33 $3.88 ETH <0.01% $0.013865 255 $3.54 ETH <0.01% $0.00118 2,866.1706 $3.38 ETH <0.01% $0.010469 315.4932 $3.3 ETH <0.01% $0.001459 1,968.1257 $2.87 ETH <0.01% $0.000051 20,100 $1.02 ETH <0.01% $1.81 0.5403 $0.9779 ETH <0.01% $0.002206 163.1619 $0.3598 ETH <0.01% $0.004252 75.1639 $0.3196 ETH <0.01% $0.000012 18,882.6079 $0.2309 ETH <0.01% $0.138618 1 $0.1386 POL 4.31% $1.14 10,000 $11,400 POL 3.57% $0.944391 10,000.0002 $9,443.91 POL 2.27% $0.771416 7,777.7777 $5,999.9 POL 1.14% $3.02 1,000 $3,020 POL 1.05% $0.139236 20,000 $2,784.71 POL 0.82% $0.431626 5,000 $2,158.13 POL 0.81% $0.038627 55,555 $2,145.93 POL 0.72% $0.038113 50,000 $1,905.63 POL 0.22% $0.41961 1,363.4922 $572.14 POL 0.08% $22.21 10.0004 $222.11 POL 0.03% $0.70699 110.9912 $78.47 POL 0.02% $0.015783 2,550 $40.25 POL <0.01% $3,856.14 0.00259483 $10.01 POL <0.01% $4.16 1 $4.16 BASE 2.27% $0.200308 30,000 $6,009.24 BASE 0.97% $0.000257 10,000,000 $2,566.9 BASE 0.90% $0.000002 1,000,000,000 $2,390 BASE 0.60% $0.000014 116,219,819.3732 $1,577.1 BASE 0.57% $0.034155 44,443.6743 $1,517.99 BASE 0.55% $0.018593 77,877 $1,447.95 BASE 0.53% $0.000001 1,111,111,111 $1,388.89 BASE 0.47% $0.125118 10,000 $1,251.18 BASE 0.37% $0.009706 100,000 $970.58 BASE 0.23% $0.000114 5,250,734.4679 $601.1 BASE 0.19% $0.000014 36,153,473.2374 $496.39 BASE 0.16% $0.000167 2,571,242.3499 $428.19 BASE 0.15% $3,840.98 0.1 $384.11 BASE 0.14% $0.002953 128,002.4284 $378 BASE 0.13% $0.000696 483,000 $336.21 BASE 0.12% $0.007417 44,433.9845 $329.55 BASE 0.11% $0.028253 10,000 $282.53 BASE 0.11% $0.00022 1,280,000 $281.15 BASE 0.09% $0.000044 5,341,018.9373 $236.34 BASE 0.08% $22.15 10 $221.5 BASE 0.07% $0.000929 200,000 $185.79 BASE 0.06% $14.76 10.0007 $147.61 BASE 0.04% $0.000492 220,000 $108.26 BASE 0.04% $0.000049 2,000,000 $98.92 BASE 0.02% $0.012138 5,130 $62.27 BASE 0.02% <$0.000001 898,436,606 $47.08 BASE 0.01% $0.00092 36,949 $34.01 BASE 0.01% $0.000379 81,470.1438 $30.87 BASE <0.01% $3,867.36 0.00674575 $26.09 BASE <0.01% $0.000442 50,000 $22.08 BASE <0.01% <$0.000001 90,585,856.8 $0.9964 BASE <0.01% $0.008759 77 $0.6744 BASE <0.01% $0.006686 100 $0.6685 BASE <0.01% $0.01354 15.06 $0.2039 BASE <0.01% $0.033172 5 $0.1658 BASE <0.01% $0.000241 500 $0.1206 BSC 1.65% $0.217598 20,000 $4,351.96 BSC 1.27% $0.006725 500,000 $3,362.63 BSC 0.48% $725.3 1.7337 $1,257.48 BSC 0.40% $0.350665 3,000 $1,052 BSC 0.38% $0.04939 20,318.8521 $1,003.55 BSC 0.35% $0.444069 2,093.3728 $929.6 BSC 0.27% <$0.000001 300,000,000,000 $723 BSC 0.24% $0.622463 1,000 $622.46 BSC 0.15% <$0.000001 1,400,300,198,701.2747 $398.1 BSC 0.13% $1.06 334.7769 $354.53 BSC 0.03% $0.005319 14,312.299 $76.13 BSC 0.02% $0.034209 1,500.0001 $51.31 BSC 0.01% $727.88 0.0512 $37.25 BSC 0.01% $0.001027 33,164.8384 $34.05 BSC <0.01% $0.009374 2,496.9102 $23.41 BSC <0.01% <$0.000001 8,856,977,327.4968 $16.62 BSC <0.01% $12.31 1 $12.31 BSC <0.01% $0.007737 632 $4.89 BSC <0.01% $0.000059 75,919.8426 $4.46 BSC <0.01% $0.001381 3,091.7426 $4.27 BSC <0.01% $0.026659 119.2026 $3.18 BSC <0.01% $0.002085 775.6152 $1.62 BSC <0.01% $0.000135 8,787.029 $1.19 BSC <0.01% $0.000939 945.9526 $0.8878 BSC <0.01% $0.002053 228.981 $0.47 BSC <0.01% $0.000141 2,436.6016 $0.3445 BSC <0.01% $0.363098 0.8085 $0.2935 ARB 1.43% $1.13 3,340 $3,774.2 ARB 0.71% $0.376345 5,000 $1,881.73 ARB 0.02% $3,867.27 0.017 $65.72 ARB <0.01% $0.270124 1 $0.2701 ARB <0.01% $0.033037 5 $0.1651 AVAX 0.22% $0.419141 1,400 $586.8 AVAX 0.22% <$0.000001 10,000,000,000 $575 AVAX 0.20% $52.33 10 $523.27 AVAX 0.03% $52.11 1.4912 $77.71 LINEA 0.14% $3,867.15 0.0977 $377.74 LINEA 0.06% $0.153855 1,000.011 $153.86 BLAST 0.01% $3,865.95 0.0101 $39.23 BLAST <0.01% $0.010851 1,009.8 $10.96 BLAST <0.01% $0.001025 3,726.7705 $3.82 OP <0.01% 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