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Latest 25 from a total of 294 transactions
Transaction Hash |
Exchange | 21729926 | 9 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00037154 | ||||
Remove_liquidity | 21729896 | 9 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00028345 | ||||
Add_liquidity | 21600177 | 28 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00061042 | ||||
Add_liquidity | 21579030 | 31 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00097913 | ||||
Remove_liquidity | 21557956 | 33 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00066001 | ||||
Exchange | 21523209 | 38 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00333983 | ||||
Exchange | 21507469 | 41 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00055993 | ||||
Exchange | 21507455 | 41 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00057776 | ||||
Exchange | 21507430 | 41 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00059862 | ||||
Exchange | 21507424 | 41 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00062598 | ||||
Exchange | 21507416 | 41 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00071802 | ||||
Exchange | 21507346 | 41 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00051237 | ||||
Exchange | 21507338 | 41 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00051773 | ||||
Remove_liquidity | 21507325 | 41 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00045574 | ||||
Approve | 21478154 | 45 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0002252 | ||||
Add_liquidity | 21478146 | 45 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00078922 | ||||
Add_liquidity | 21477826 | 45 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00083704 | ||||
Add_liquidity | 21474184 | 45 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00160397 | ||||
Approve | 21457424 | 48 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00032949 | ||||
Add_liquidity | 21457418 | 48 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00141155 | ||||
Transfer | 21403452 | 55 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00040051 | ||||
Approve | 21393120 | 56 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00063391 | ||||
Approve | 21375166 | 59 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00091362 | ||||
Add_liquidity | 21357505 | 61 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00151636 | ||||
Add_liquidity | 21267522 | 74 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00144729 |
Latest 1 internal transaction
Advanced mode:
Parent Transaction Hash | Block |
19379915 | 338 days ago | Contract Creation | 0 ETH |
Contract Source Code Verified (Exact Match)
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Contract Source Code (Vyper language format)
# pragma version 0.3.10 # pragma optimize gas # pragma evm-version paris """ @title CurveTwocryptoOptimized @author Curve.Fi @license Copyright (c) Curve.Fi, 2023 - all rights reserved @notice A Curve AMM pool for 2 unpegged assets (e.g. WETH, USD). @dev All prices in the AMM are with respect to the first token in the pool. """ from vyper.interfaces import ERC20 implements: ERC20 # <--------------------- AMM contract is also the LP token. # --------------------------------- Interfaces ------------------------------- interface Math: def wad_exp(_power: int256) -> uint256: view def newton_D( ANN: uint256, gamma: uint256, x_unsorted: uint256[N_COINS], K0_prev: uint256 ) -> uint256: view def get_y( ANN: uint256, gamma: uint256, x: uint256[N_COINS], D: uint256, i: uint256, ) -> uint256[2]: view def get_p( _xp: uint256[N_COINS], _D: uint256, _A_gamma: uint256[2], ) -> uint256: view interface Factory: def admin() -> address: view def fee_receiver() -> address: view def views_implementation() -> address: view interface Views: def calc_token_amount( amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool, swap: address ) -> uint256: view def get_dy( i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, swap: address ) -> uint256: view def get_dx( i: uint256, j: uint256, dy: uint256, swap: address ) -> uint256: view # ------------------------------- Events ------------------------------------- event Transfer: sender: indexed(address) receiver: indexed(address) value: uint256 event Approval: owner: indexed(address) spender: indexed(address) value: uint256 event TokenExchange: buyer: indexed(address) sold_id: uint256 tokens_sold: uint256 bought_id: uint256 tokens_bought: uint256 fee: uint256 packed_price_scale: uint256 event AddLiquidity: provider: indexed(address) token_amounts: uint256[N_COINS] fee: uint256 token_supply: uint256 packed_price_scale: uint256 event RemoveLiquidity: provider: indexed(address) token_amounts: uint256[N_COINS] token_supply: uint256 event RemoveLiquidityOne: provider: indexed(address) token_amount: uint256 coin_index: uint256 coin_amount: uint256 approx_fee: uint256 packed_price_scale: uint256 event NewParameters: mid_fee: uint256 out_fee: uint256 fee_gamma: uint256 allowed_extra_profit: uint256 adjustment_step: uint256 ma_time: uint256 xcp_ma_time: uint256 event RampAgamma: initial_A: uint256 future_A: uint256 initial_gamma: uint256 future_gamma: uint256 initial_time: uint256 future_time: uint256 event StopRampA: current_A: uint256 current_gamma: uint256 time: uint256 event ClaimAdminFee: admin: indexed(address) tokens: uint256[N_COINS] # ----------------------- Storage/State Variables ---------------------------- N_COINS: constant(uint256) = 2 PRECISION: constant(uint256) = 10**18 # <------- The precision to convert to. PRECISIONS: immutable(uint256[N_COINS]) MATH: public(immutable(Math)) coins: public(immutable(address[N_COINS])) factory: public(immutable(Factory)) cached_price_scale: uint256 # <------------------------ Internal price scale. cached_price_oracle: uint256 # <------- Price target given by moving average. cached_xcp_oracle: uint256 # <----------- EMA of totalSupply * virtual_price. last_prices: public(uint256) last_timestamp: public(uint256) # idx 0 is for prices, idx 1 is for xcp. last_xcp: public(uint256) xcp_ma_time: public(uint256) initial_A_gamma: public(uint256) initial_A_gamma_time: public(uint256) future_A_gamma: public(uint256) future_A_gamma_time: public(uint256) # <------ Time when ramping is finished. # This value is 0 (default) when pool is first deployed, and only gets # populated by block.timestamp + future_time in `ramp_A_gamma` when the # ramping process is initiated. After ramping is finished # (i.e. self.future_A_gamma_time < block.timestamp), the variable is left # and not set to 0. balances: public(uint256[N_COINS]) D: public(uint256) xcp_profit: public(uint256) xcp_profit_a: public(uint256) # <--- Full profit at last claim of admin fees. virtual_price: public(uint256) # <------ Cached (fast to read) virtual price. # The cached `virtual_price` is also used internally. # Params that affect how price_scale get adjusted : packed_rebalancing_params: public(uint256) # <---------- Contains rebalancing # parameters allowed_extra_profit, adjustment_step, and ma_time. # Fee params that determine dynamic fees: packed_fee_params: public(uint256) # <---- Packs mid_fee, out_fee, fee_gamma. ADMIN_FEE: public(constant(uint256)) = 5 * 10**9 # <----- 50% of earned fees. MIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**5 # <-------------------------- 0.5 BPS. MAX_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10 * 10**9 NOISE_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**5 # <---------------------------- 0.1 BPS. # ----------------------- Admin params --------------------------------------- last_admin_fee_claim_timestamp: uint256 admin_lp_virtual_balance: uint256 MIN_RAMP_TIME: constant(uint256) = 86400 MIN_ADMIN_FEE_CLAIM_INTERVAL: constant(uint256) = 86400 A_MULTIPLIER: constant(uint256) = 10000 MIN_A: constant(uint256) = N_COINS**N_COINS * A_MULTIPLIER / 10 MAX_A: constant(uint256) = N_COINS**N_COINS * A_MULTIPLIER * 1000 MAX_A_CHANGE: constant(uint256) = 10 MIN_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 10**10 MAX_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**16 # ----------------------- ERC20 Specific vars -------------------------------- name: public(immutable(String[64])) symbol: public(immutable(String[32])) decimals: public(constant(uint8)) = 18 version: public(constant(String[8])) = "v2.0.0" balanceOf: public(HashMap[address, uint256]) allowance: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]) totalSupply: public(uint256) nonces: public(HashMap[address, uint256]) EIP712_TYPEHASH: constant(bytes32) = keccak256( "EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract,bytes32 salt)" ) EIP2612_TYPEHASH: constant(bytes32) = keccak256( "Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)" ) VERSION_HASH: constant(bytes32) = keccak256(version) NAME_HASH: immutable(bytes32) CACHED_CHAIN_ID: immutable(uint256) salt: public(immutable(bytes32)) CACHED_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR: immutable(bytes32) # ----------------------- Contract ------------------------------------------- @external def __init__( _name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _coins: address[N_COINS], _math: address, _salt: bytes32, packed_precisions: uint256, packed_gamma_A: uint256, packed_fee_params: uint256, packed_rebalancing_params: uint256, initial_price: uint256, ): MATH = Math(_math) factory = Factory(msg.sender) name = _name symbol = _symbol coins = _coins PRECISIONS = self._unpack_2(packed_precisions) # <-- Precisions of coins. # --------------- Validate A and gamma parameters here and not in factory. gamma_A: uint256[2] = self._unpack_2(packed_gamma_A) # gamma is at idx 0. assert gamma_A[0] > MIN_GAMMA-1 assert gamma_A[0] < MAX_GAMMA+1 assert gamma_A[1] > MIN_A-1 assert gamma_A[1] < MAX_A+1 self.initial_A_gamma = packed_gamma_A self.future_A_gamma = packed_gamma_A # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ self.packed_rebalancing_params = packed_rebalancing_params # <-- Contains # rebalancing params: allowed_extra_profit, adjustment_step, # and ma_exp_time. self.packed_fee_params = packed_fee_params # <-------------- Contains Fee # params: mid_fee, out_fee and fee_gamma. self.cached_price_scale = initial_price self.cached_price_oracle = initial_price self.last_prices = initial_price self.last_timestamp = self._pack_2(block.timestamp, block.timestamp) self.xcp_profit_a = 10**18 self.xcp_ma_time = 62324 # <--------- 12 hours default on contract start. # Cache DOMAIN_SEPARATOR. If chain.id is not CACHED_CHAIN_ID, then # DOMAIN_SEPARATOR will be re-calculated each time `permit` is called. # Otherwise, it will always use CACHED_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR. # see: `_domain_separator()` for its implementation. NAME_HASH = keccak256(name) salt = _salt CACHED_CHAIN_ID = chain.id CACHED_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256( _abi_encode( EIP712_TYPEHASH, NAME_HASH, VERSION_HASH, chain.id, self, salt, ) ) log Transfer(empty(address), self, 0) # <------- Fire empty transfer from # 0x0 to self for indexers to catch. # ------------------- Token transfers in and out of the AMM ------------------ @internal def _transfer_in( _coin_idx: uint256, _dx: uint256, sender: address, expect_optimistic_transfer: bool, ) -> uint256: """ @notice Transfers `_coin` from `sender` to `self` and calls `callback_sig` if it is not empty. @params _coin_idx uint256 Index of the coin to transfer in. @params dx amount of `_coin` to transfer into the pool. @params sender address to transfer `_coin` from. @params expect_optimistic_transfer bool True if pool expects user to transfer. This is only enabled for exchange_received. @return The amount of tokens received. """ coin_balance: uint256 = ERC20(coins[_coin_idx]).balanceOf(self) if expect_optimistic_transfer: # Only enabled in exchange_received: # it expects the caller of exchange_received to have sent tokens to # the pool before calling this method. # If someone donates extra tokens to the contract: do not acknowledge. # We only want to know if there are dx amount of tokens. Anything extra, # we ignore. This is why we need to check if received_amounts (which # accounts for coin balances of the contract) is atleast dx. # If we checked for received_amounts == dx, an extra transfer without a # call to exchange_received will break the method. dx: uint256 = coin_balance - self.balances[_coin_idx] assert dx >= _dx # dev: user didn't give us coins # Adjust balances self.balances[_coin_idx] += dx return dx # ----------------------------------------------- ERC20 transferFrom flow. # EXTERNAL CALL assert ERC20(coins[_coin_idx]).transferFrom( sender, self, _dx, default_return_value=True ) dx: uint256 = ERC20(coins[_coin_idx]).balanceOf(self) - coin_balance self.balances[_coin_idx] += dx return dx @internal def _transfer_out(_coin_idx: uint256, _amount: uint256, receiver: address): """ @notice Transfer a single token from the pool to receiver. @dev This function is called by `remove_liquidity` and `remove_liquidity_one`, `_claim_admin_fees` and `_exchange` methods. @params _coin_idx uint256 Index of the token to transfer out @params _amount Amount of token to transfer out @params receiver Address to send the tokens to """ # Adjust balances before handling transfers: self.balances[_coin_idx] -= _amount # EXTERNAL CALL assert ERC20(coins[_coin_idx]).transfer( receiver, _amount, default_return_value=True ) # -------------------------- AMM Main Functions ------------------------------ @external @nonreentrant("lock") def exchange( i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender ) -> uint256: """ @notice Exchange using wrapped native token by default @param i Index value for the input coin @param j Index value for the output coin @param dx Amount of input coin being swapped in @param min_dy Minimum amount of output coin to receive @param receiver Address to send the output coin to. Default is msg.sender @return uint256 Amount of tokens at index j received by the `receiver """ # _transfer_in updates self.balances here: dx_received: uint256 = self._transfer_in( i, dx, msg.sender, False ) # No ERC20 token transfers occur here: out: uint256[3] = self._exchange( i, j, dx_received, min_dy, ) # _transfer_out updates self.balances here. Update to state occurs before # external calls: self._transfer_out(j, out[0], receiver) # log: log TokenExchange(msg.sender, i, dx_received, j, out[0], out[1], out[2]) return out[0] @external @nonreentrant('lock') def exchange_received( i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender, ) -> uint256: """ @notice Exchange: but user must transfer dx amount of coin[i] tokens to pool first. Pool will not call transferFrom and will only check if a surplus of coins[i] is greater than or equal to `dx`. @dev Use-case is to reduce the number of redundant ERC20 token transfers in zaps. Primarily for dex-aggregators/arbitrageurs/searchers. Note for users: please transfer + exchange_received in 1 tx. @param i Index value for the input coin @param j Index value for the output coin @param dx Amount of input coin being swapped in @param min_dy Minimum amount of output coin to receive @param receiver Address to send the output coin to @return uint256 Amount of tokens at index j received by the `receiver` """ # _transfer_in updates self.balances here: dx_received: uint256 = self._transfer_in( i, dx, msg.sender, True # <---- expect_optimistic_transfer is set to True here. ) # No ERC20 token transfers occur here: out: uint256[3] = self._exchange( i, j, dx_received, min_dy, ) # _transfer_out updates self.balances here. Update to state occurs before # external calls: self._transfer_out(j, out[0], receiver) # log: log TokenExchange(msg.sender, i, dx_received, j, out[0], out[1], out[2]) return out[0] @external @nonreentrant("lock") def add_liquidity( amounts: uint256[N_COINS], min_mint_amount: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender ) -> uint256: """ @notice Adds liquidity into the pool. @param amounts Amounts of each coin to add. @param min_mint_amount Minimum amount of LP to mint. @param receiver Address to send the LP tokens to. Default is msg.sender @return uint256 Amount of LP tokens received by the `receiver """ A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma() xp: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances amountsp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS]) d_token: uint256 = 0 d_token_fee: uint256 = 0 old_D: uint256 = 0 assert amounts[0] + amounts[1] > 0 # dev: no coins to add # --------------------- Get prices, balances ----------------------------- price_scale: uint256 = self.cached_price_scale # -------------------------------------- Update balances and calculate xp. xp_old: uint256[N_COINS] = xp amounts_received: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS]) ########################## TRANSFER IN <------- for i in range(N_COINS): if amounts[i] > 0: # Updates self.balances here: amounts_received[i] = self._transfer_in( i, amounts[i], msg.sender, False, # <--------------------- Disable optimistic transfers. ) xp[i] = xp[i] + amounts_received[i] xp = [ xp[0] * PRECISIONS[0], unsafe_div(xp[1] * price_scale * PRECISIONS[1], PRECISION) ] xp_old = [ xp_old[0] * PRECISIONS[0], unsafe_div(xp_old[1] * price_scale * PRECISIONS[1], PRECISION) ] for i in range(N_COINS): if amounts_received[i] > 0: amountsp[i] = xp[i] - xp_old[i] # -------------------- Calculate LP tokens to mint ----------------------- if self.future_A_gamma_time > block.timestamp: # <--- A_gamma is ramping. # ----- Recalculate the invariant if A or gamma are undergoing a ramp. old_D = MATH.newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp_old, 0) else: old_D = self.D D: uint256 = MATH.newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp, 0) token_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply if old_D > 0: d_token = token_supply * D / old_D - token_supply else: d_token = self.get_xcp(D, price_scale) # <----- Making initial virtual price equal to 1. assert d_token > 0 # dev: nothing minted if old_D > 0: d_token_fee = ( self._calc_token_fee(amountsp, xp) * d_token / 10**10 + 1 ) d_token -= d_token_fee token_supply += d_token self.mint(receiver, d_token) self.admin_lp_virtual_balance += unsafe_div(ADMIN_FEE * d_token_fee, 10**10) price_scale = self.tweak_price(A_gamma, xp, D, 0) else: # (re)instatiating an empty pool: self.D = D self.virtual_price = 10**18 self.xcp_profit = 10**18 self.xcp_profit_a = 10**18 # Initialise xcp oracle here: self.cached_xcp_oracle = d_token # <--- virtual_price * totalSupply / 10**18 self.mint(receiver, d_token) assert d_token >= min_mint_amount, "Slippage" # ---------------------------------------------- Log and claim admin fees. log AddLiquidity( receiver, amounts_received, d_token_fee, token_supply, price_scale ) return d_token @external @nonreentrant("lock") def remove_liquidity( _amount: uint256, min_amounts: uint256[N_COINS], receiver: address = msg.sender, ) -> uint256[N_COINS]: """ @notice This withdrawal method is very safe, does no complex math since tokens are withdrawn in balanced proportions. No fees are charged. @param _amount Amount of LP tokens to burn @param min_amounts Minimum amounts of tokens to withdraw @param receiver Address to send the withdrawn tokens to @return uint256[3] Amount of pool tokens received by the `receiver` """ amount: uint256 = _amount balances: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances withdraw_amounts: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS]) # -------------------------------------------------------- Burn LP tokens. total_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply # <------ Get totalSupply before self.burnFrom(msg.sender, _amount) # ---- reducing it with self.burnFrom. # There are two cases for withdrawing tokens from the pool. # Case 1. Withdrawal does not empty the pool. # In this situation, D is adjusted proportional to the amount of # LP tokens burnt. ERC20 tokens transferred is proportional # to : (AMM balance * LP tokens in) / LP token total supply # Case 2. Withdrawal empties the pool. # In this situation, all tokens are withdrawn and the invariant # is reset. if amount == total_supply: # <----------------------------------- Case 2. for i in range(N_COINS): withdraw_amounts[i] = balances[i] else: # <-------------------------------------------------------- Case 1. amount -= 1 # <---- To prevent rounding errors, favor LPs a tiny bit. for i in range(N_COINS): withdraw_amounts[i] = balances[i] * amount / total_supply assert withdraw_amounts[i] >= min_amounts[i] D: uint256 = self.D self.D = D - unsafe_div(D * amount, total_supply) # <----------- Reduce D # proportional to the amount of tokens leaving. Since withdrawals are # balanced, this is a simple subtraction. If amount == total_supply, # D will be 0. # ---------------------------------- Transfers --------------------------- for i in range(N_COINS): # _transfer_out updates self.balances here. Update to state occurs # before external calls: self._transfer_out(i, withdraw_amounts[i], receiver) log RemoveLiquidity(msg.sender, withdraw_amounts, total_supply - _amount) # --------------------------- Upkeep xcp oracle -------------------------- # Update xcp since liquidity was removed: xp: uint256[N_COINS] = self.xp(self.balances, self.cached_price_scale) last_xcp: uint256 = isqrt(xp[0] * xp[1]) # <----------- Cache it for now. last_timestamp: uint256[2] = self._unpack_2(self.last_timestamp) if last_timestamp[1] < block.timestamp: cached_xcp_oracle: uint256 = self.cached_xcp_oracle alpha: uint256 = MATH.wad_exp( -convert( unsafe_div( unsafe_sub(block.timestamp, last_timestamp[1]) * 10**18, self.xcp_ma_time # <---------- xcp ma time has is longer. ), int256, ) ) self.cached_xcp_oracle = unsafe_div( last_xcp * (10**18 - alpha) + cached_xcp_oracle * alpha, 10**18 ) last_timestamp[1] = block.timestamp # Pack and store timestamps: self.last_timestamp = self._pack_2(last_timestamp[0], last_timestamp[1]) # Store last xcp self.last_xcp = last_xcp return withdraw_amounts @external @nonreentrant("lock") def remove_liquidity_one_coin( token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, min_amount: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender ) -> uint256: """ @notice Withdraw liquidity in a single token. Involves fees (lower than swap fees). @dev This operation also involves an admin fee claim. @param token_amount Amount of LP tokens to burn @param i Index of the token to withdraw @param min_amount Minimum amount of token to withdraw. @param receiver Address to send the withdrawn tokens to @return Amount of tokens at index i received by the `receiver` """ self._claim_admin_fees() # <--------- Auto-claim admin fees occasionally. A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma() dy: uint256 = 0 D: uint256 = 0 p: uint256 = 0 xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS]) approx_fee: uint256 = 0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dy, D, xp, approx_fee = self._calc_withdraw_one_coin( A_gamma, token_amount, i, (self.future_A_gamma_time > block.timestamp), # <------- During ramps ) # we need to update D. assert dy >= min_amount, "Slippage" # ---------------------------- State Updates ----------------------------- # Burn user's tokens: self.burnFrom(msg.sender, token_amount) packed_price_scale: uint256 = self.tweak_price(A_gamma, xp, D, 0) # Safe to use D from _calc_withdraw_one_coin here ---^ # ------------------------- Transfers ------------------------------------ # _transfer_out updates self.balances here. Update to state occurs before # external calls: self._transfer_out(i, dy, receiver) log RemoveLiquidityOne( msg.sender, token_amount, i, dy, approx_fee, packed_price_scale ) return dy # -------------------------- Packing functions ------------------------------- @internal @pure def _pack_3(x: uint256[3]) -> uint256: """ @notice Packs 3 integers with values <= 10**18 into a uint256 @param x The uint256[3] to pack @return uint256 Integer with packed values """ return (x[0] << 128) | (x[1] << 64) | x[2] @internal @pure def _unpack_3(_packed: uint256) -> uint256[3]: """ @notice Unpacks a uint256 into 3 integers (values must be <= 10**18) @param val The uint256 to unpack @return uint256[3] A list of length 3 with unpacked integers """ return [ (_packed >> 128) & 18446744073709551615, (_packed >> 64) & 18446744073709551615, _packed & 18446744073709551615, ] @pure @internal def _pack_2(p1: uint256, p2: uint256) -> uint256: return p1 | (p2 << 128) @pure @internal def _unpack_2(packed: uint256) -> uint256[2]: return [packed & (2**128 - 1), packed >> 128] # ---------------------- AMM Internal Functions ------------------------------- @internal def _exchange( i: uint256, j: uint256, dx_received: uint256, min_dy: uint256, ) -> uint256[3]: assert i != j # dev: coin index out of range assert dx_received > 0 # dev: do not exchange 0 coins A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma() xp: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances dy: uint256 = 0 y: uint256 = xp[j] x0: uint256 = xp[i] - dx_received # old xp[i] price_scale: uint256 = self.cached_price_scale xp = [ xp[0] * PRECISIONS[0], unsafe_div(xp[1] * price_scale * PRECISIONS[1], PRECISION) ] # ----------- Update invariant if A, gamma are undergoing ramps --------- t: uint256 = self.future_A_gamma_time if t > block.timestamp: x0 *= PRECISIONS[i] if i > 0: x0 = unsafe_div(x0 * price_scale, PRECISION) x1: uint256 = xp[i] # <------------------ Back up old value in xp ... xp[i] = x0 # | self.D = MATH.newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp, 0) # | xp[i] = x1 # <-------------------------------------- ... and restore. # ----------------------- Calculate dy and fees -------------------------- D: uint256 = self.D y_out: uint256[2] = MATH.get_y(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp, D, j) dy = xp[j] - y_out[0] xp[j] -= dy dy -= 1 if j > 0: dy = dy * PRECISION / price_scale dy /= PRECISIONS[j] fee: uint256 = unsafe_div(self._fee(xp) * dy, 10**10) dy -= fee # <--------------------- Subtract fee from the outgoing amount. assert dy >= min_dy, "Slippage" y -= dy y *= PRECISIONS[j] if j > 0: y = unsafe_div(y * price_scale, PRECISION) xp[j] = y # <------------------------------------------------- Update xp. # ------ Tweak price_scale with good initial guess for newton_D ---------- price_scale = self.tweak_price(A_gamma, xp, 0, y_out[1]) return [dy, fee, price_scale] @internal def tweak_price( A_gamma: uint256[2], _xp: uint256[N_COINS], new_D: uint256, K0_prev: uint256 = 0, ) -> uint256: """ @notice Updates price_oracle, last_price and conditionally adjusts price_scale. This is called whenever there is an unbalanced liquidity operation: _exchange, add_liquidity, or remove_liquidity_one_coin. @dev Contains main liquidity rebalancing logic, by tweaking `price_scale`. @param A_gamma Array of A and gamma parameters. @param _xp Array of current balances. @param new_D New D value. @param K0_prev Initial guess for `newton_D`. """ # ---------------------------- Read storage ------------------------------ price_oracle: uint256 = self.cached_price_oracle last_prices: uint256 = self.last_prices price_scale: uint256 = self.cached_price_scale rebalancing_params: uint256[3] = self._unpack_3(self.packed_rebalancing_params) # Contains: allowed_extra_profit, adjustment_step, ma_time. -----^ total_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply old_xcp_profit: uint256 = self.xcp_profit old_virtual_price: uint256 = self.virtual_price # ----------------------- Update Oracles if needed ----------------------- last_timestamp: uint256[2] = self._unpack_2(self.last_timestamp) alpha: uint256 = 0 if last_timestamp[0] < block.timestamp: # 0th index is for price_oracle. # The moving average price oracle is calculated using the last_price # of the trade at the previous block, and the price oracle logged # before that trade. This can happen only once per block. # ------------------ Calculate moving average params ----------------- alpha = MATH.wad_exp( -convert( unsafe_div( unsafe_sub(block.timestamp, last_timestamp[0]) * 10**18, rebalancing_params[2] # <----------------------- ma_time. ), int256, ) ) # ---------------------------------------------- Update price oracles. # ----------------- We cap state price that goes into the EMA with # 2 x price_scale. price_oracle = unsafe_div( min(last_prices, 2 * price_scale) * (10**18 - alpha) + price_oracle * alpha, # ^-------- Cap spot price into EMA. 10**18 ) self.cached_price_oracle = price_oracle last_timestamp[0] = block.timestamp # ----------------------------------------------------- Update xcp oracle. if last_timestamp[1] < block.timestamp: cached_xcp_oracle: uint256 = self.cached_xcp_oracle alpha = MATH.wad_exp( -convert( unsafe_div( unsafe_sub(block.timestamp, last_timestamp[1]) * 10**18, self.xcp_ma_time # <---------- xcp ma time has is longer. ), int256, ) ) self.cached_xcp_oracle = unsafe_div( self.last_xcp * (10**18 - alpha) + cached_xcp_oracle * alpha, 10**18 ) # Pack and store timestamps: last_timestamp[1] = block.timestamp self.last_timestamp = self._pack_2(last_timestamp[0], last_timestamp[1]) # `price_oracle` is used further on to calculate its vector distance from # price_scale. This distance is used to calculate the amount of adjustment # to be done to the price_scale. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------ If new_D is set to 0, calculate it ------------------ D_unadjusted: uint256 = new_D if new_D == 0: # <--------------------------- _exchange sets new_D to 0. D_unadjusted = MATH.newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], _xp, K0_prev) # ----------------------- Calculate last_prices -------------------------- self.last_prices = unsafe_div( MATH.get_p(_xp, D_unadjusted, A_gamma) * price_scale, 10**18 ) # ---------- Update profit numbers without price adjustment first -------- xp: uint256[N_COINS] = [ unsafe_div(D_unadjusted, N_COINS), D_unadjusted * PRECISION / (N_COINS * price_scale) # <------ safediv. ] # with price_scale. xcp_profit: uint256 = 10**18 virtual_price: uint256 = 10**18 if old_virtual_price > 0: xcp: uint256 = isqrt(xp[0] * xp[1]) virtual_price = 10**18 * xcp / total_supply xcp_profit = unsafe_div( old_xcp_profit * virtual_price, old_virtual_price ) # <---------------- Safu to do unsafe_div as old_virtual_price > 0. # If A and gamma are not undergoing ramps (t < block.timestamp), # ensure new virtual_price is not less than old virtual_price, # else the pool suffers a loss. if self.future_A_gamma_time < block.timestamp: assert virtual_price > old_virtual_price, "Loss" # -------------------------- Cache last_xcp -------------------------- self.last_xcp = xcp # geometric_mean(D * price_scale) self.xcp_profit = xcp_profit # ------------ Rebalance liquidity if there's enough profits to adjust it: if virtual_price * 2 - 10**18 > xcp_profit + 2 * rebalancing_params[0]: # allowed_extra_profit --------^ # ------------------- Get adjustment step ---------------------------- # Calculate the vector distance between price_scale and # price_oracle. norm: uint256 = unsafe_div( unsafe_mul(price_oracle, 10**18), price_scale ) if norm > 10**18: norm = unsafe_sub(norm, 10**18) else: norm = unsafe_sub(10**18, norm) adjustment_step: uint256 = max( rebalancing_params[1], unsafe_div(norm, 5) ) # ^------------------------------------- adjustment_step. if norm > adjustment_step: # <---------- We only adjust prices if the # vector distance between price_oracle and price_scale is # large enough. This check ensures that no rebalancing # occurs if the distance is low i.e. the pool prices are # pegged to the oracle prices. # ------------------------------------- Calculate new price scale. p_new: uint256 = unsafe_div( price_scale * unsafe_sub(norm, adjustment_step) + adjustment_step * price_oracle, norm ) # <---- norm is non-zero and gt adjustment_step; unsafe = safe. # ---------------- Update stale xp (using price_scale) with p_new. xp = [ _xp[0], unsafe_div(_xp[1] * p_new, price_scale) ] # ------------------------------------------ Update D with new xp. D: uint256 = MATH.newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp, 0) for k in range(N_COINS): frac: uint256 = xp[k] * 10**18 / D # <----- Check validity of assert (frac > 10**16 - 1) and (frac < 10**20 + 1) # p_new. # ------------------------------------- Convert xp to real prices. xp = [ unsafe_div(D, N_COINS), D * PRECISION / (N_COINS * p_new) ] # ---------- Calculate new virtual_price using new xp and D. Reuse # `old_virtual_price` (but it has new virtual_price). old_virtual_price = unsafe_div( 10**18 * isqrt(xp[0] * xp[1]), total_supply ) # <----- unsafe_div because we did safediv before (if vp>1e18) # ---------------------------- Proceed if we've got enough profit. if ( old_virtual_price > 10**18 and 2 * old_virtual_price - 10**18 > xcp_profit ): self.D = D self.virtual_price = old_virtual_price self.cached_price_scale = p_new return p_new # --------- price_scale was not adjusted. Update the profit counter and D. self.D = D_unadjusted self.virtual_price = virtual_price return price_scale @internal def _claim_admin_fees(): """ @notice Claims admin fees and sends it to fee_receiver set in the factory. @dev Functionally similar to: 1. Calculating admin's share of fees, 2. minting LP tokens, 3. admin claims underlying tokens via remove_liquidity. """ # --------------------- Check if fees can be claimed --------------------- # Disable fee claiming if: # 1. If time passed since last fee claim is less than # MIN_ADMIN_FEE_CLAIM_INTERVAL. # 2. Pool parameters are being ramped. last_claim_time: uint256 = self.last_admin_fee_claim_timestamp if ( unsafe_sub(block.timestamp, last_claim_time) < MIN_ADMIN_FEE_CLAIM_INTERVAL or self.future_A_gamma_time > block.timestamp ): return xcp_profit: uint256 = self.xcp_profit # <---------- Current pool profits. xcp_profit_a: uint256 = self.xcp_profit_a # <- Profits at previous claim. current_lp_token_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply # Do not claim admin fees if: # 1. insufficient profits accrued since last claim, and # 2. there are less than 10**18 (or 1 unit of) lp tokens, else it can lead # to manipulated virtual prices. if xcp_profit <= xcp_profit_a or current_lp_token_supply < 10**18: return # ---------- Conditions met to claim admin fees: compute state. ---------- A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma() D: uint256 = self.D vprice: uint256 = self.virtual_price price_scale: uint256 = self.cached_price_scale fee_receiver: address = factory.fee_receiver() balances: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances # Admin fees are calculated as follows. # 1. Calculate accrued profit since last claim. `xcp_profit` # is the current profits. `xcp_profit_a` is the profits # at the previous claim. # 2. Take out admin's share, which is hardcoded at 5 * 10**9. # (50% => half of 100% => 10**10 / 2 => 5 * 10**9). # 3. Since half of the profits go to rebalancing the pool, we # are left with half; so divide by 2. fees: uint256 = unsafe_div( unsafe_sub(xcp_profit, xcp_profit_a) * ADMIN_FEE, 2 * 10**10 ) # ------------------------------ Claim admin fees by minting admin's share # of the pool in LP tokens. # This is the admin fee tokens claimed in self.add_liquidity. We add it to # the LP token share that the admin needs to claim: admin_share: uint256 = self.admin_lp_virtual_balance frac: uint256 = 0 if fee_receiver != empty(address) and fees > 0: # -------------------------------- Calculate admin share to be minted. frac = vprice * 10**18 / (vprice - fees) - 10**18 admin_share += current_lp_token_supply * frac / 10**18 # ------ Subtract fees from profits that will be used for rebalancing. xcp_profit -= fees * 2 # ------------------- Recalculate virtual_price following admin fee claim. total_supply_including_admin_share: uint256 = ( current_lp_token_supply + admin_share ) vprice = ( 10**18 * self.get_xcp(D, price_scale) / total_supply_including_admin_share ) # Do not claim fees if doing so causes virtual price to drop below 10**18. if vprice < 10**18: return # ---------------------------- Update State ------------------------------ # Set admin virtual LP balances to zero because we claimed: self.admin_lp_virtual_balance = 0 self.xcp_profit = xcp_profit self.last_admin_fee_claim_timestamp = block.timestamp # Since we reduce balances: virtual price goes down self.virtual_price = vprice # Adjust D after admin seemingly removes liquidity self.D = D - unsafe_div(D * admin_share, total_supply_including_admin_share) if xcp_profit > xcp_profit_a: self.xcp_profit_a = xcp_profit # <-------- Cache last claimed profit. # --------------------------- Handle Transfers --------------------------- admin_tokens: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS]) if admin_share > 0: for i in range(N_COINS): admin_tokens[i] = ( balances[i] * admin_share / total_supply_including_admin_share ) # _transfer_out tokens to admin and update self.balances. State # update to self.balances occurs before external contract calls: self._transfer_out(i, admin_tokens[i], fee_receiver) log ClaimAdminFee(fee_receiver, admin_tokens) @internal @pure def xp( balances: uint256[N_COINS], price_scale: uint256, ) -> uint256[N_COINS]: return [ balances[0] * PRECISIONS[0], unsafe_div(balances[1] * PRECISIONS[1] * price_scale, PRECISION) ] @view @internal def _A_gamma() -> uint256[2]: t1: uint256 = self.future_A_gamma_time A_gamma_1: uint256 = self.future_A_gamma gamma1: uint256 = A_gamma_1 & 2**128 - 1 A1: uint256 = A_gamma_1 >> 128 if block.timestamp < t1: # --------------- Handle ramping up and down of A -------------------- A_gamma_0: uint256 = self.initial_A_gamma t0: uint256 = self.initial_A_gamma_time t1 -= t0 t0 = block.timestamp - t0 t2: uint256 = t1 - t0 A1 = ((A_gamma_0 >> 128) * t2 + A1 * t0) / t1 gamma1 = ((A_gamma_0 & 2**128 - 1) * t2 + gamma1 * t0) / t1 return [A1, gamma1] @internal @view def _fee(xp: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256: fee_params: uint256[3] = self._unpack_3(self.packed_fee_params) f: uint256 = xp[0] + xp[1] f = fee_params[2] * 10**18 / ( fee_params[2] + 10**18 - (10**18 * N_COINS**N_COINS) * xp[0] / f * xp[1] / f ) return unsafe_div( fee_params[0] * f + fee_params[1] * (10**18 - f), 10**18 ) @internal @pure def get_xcp(D: uint256, price_scale: uint256) -> uint256: x: uint256[N_COINS] = [ unsafe_div(D, N_COINS), D * PRECISION / (price_scale * N_COINS) ] return isqrt(x[0] * x[1]) # <------------------- Geometric Mean. @view @internal def _calc_token_fee(amounts: uint256[N_COINS], xp: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256: # fee = sum(amounts_i - avg(amounts)) * fee' / sum(amounts) fee: uint256 = unsafe_div( unsafe_mul(self._fee(xp), N_COINS), unsafe_mul(4, unsafe_sub(N_COINS, 1)) ) S: uint256 = 0 for _x in amounts: S += _x avg: uint256 = unsafe_div(S, N_COINS) Sdiff: uint256 = 0 for _x in amounts: if _x > avg: Sdiff += unsafe_sub(_x, avg) else: Sdiff += unsafe_sub(avg, _x) return fee * Sdiff / S + NOISE_FEE @internal @view def _calc_withdraw_one_coin( A_gamma: uint256[2], token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, update_D: bool, ) -> (uint256, uint256, uint256[N_COINS], uint256): token_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply assert token_amount <= token_supply # dev: token amount more than supply assert i < N_COINS # dev: coin out of range xx: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances D0: uint256 = 0 # -------------------------- Calculate D0 and xp ------------------------- price_scale_i: uint256 = self.cached_price_scale * PRECISIONS[1] xp: uint256[N_COINS] = [ xx[0] * PRECISIONS[0], unsafe_div(xx[1] * price_scale_i, PRECISION) ] if i == 0: price_scale_i = PRECISION * PRECISIONS[0] if update_D: # <-------------- D is updated if pool is undergoing a ramp. D0 = MATH.newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp, 0) else: D0 = self.D D: uint256 = D0 # -------------------------------- Fee Calc ------------------------------ # Charge fees on D. Roughly calculate xp[i] after withdrawal and use that # to calculate fee. Precision is not paramount here: we just want a # behavior where the higher the imbalance caused the more fee the AMM # charges. # xp is adjusted assuming xp[0] ~= xp[1] ~= x[2], which is usually not the # case. We charge self._fee(xp), where xp is an imprecise adjustment post # withdrawal in one coin. If the withdraw is too large: charge max fee by # default. This is because the fee calculation will otherwise underflow. xp_imprecise: uint256[N_COINS] = xp xp_correction: uint256 = xp[i] * N_COINS * token_amount / token_supply fee: uint256 = self._unpack_3(self.packed_fee_params)[1] # <- self.out_fee. if xp_correction < xp_imprecise[i]: xp_imprecise[i] -= xp_correction fee = self._fee(xp_imprecise) dD: uint256 = unsafe_div(token_amount * D, token_supply) D_fee: uint256 = fee * dD / (2 * 10**10) + 1 # <------- Actual fee on D. # --------- Calculate `approx_fee` (assuming balanced state) in ith token. # -------------------------------- We only need this for fee in the event. approx_fee: uint256 = N_COINS * D_fee * xx[i] / D # <------------------<---------- TODO: Check math. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D -= (dD - D_fee) # <----------------------------------- Charge fee on D. # --------------------------------- Calculate `y_out`` with `(D - D_fee)`. y: uint256 = MATH.get_y(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp, D, i)[0] dy: uint256 = (xp[i] - y) * PRECISION / price_scale_i xp[i] = y return dy, D, xp, approx_fee # ------------------------ ERC20 functions ----------------------------------- @internal def _approve(_owner: address, _spender: address, _value: uint256): self.allowance[_owner][_spender] = _value log Approval(_owner, _spender, _value) @internal def _transfer(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256): assert _to not in [self, empty(address)] self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value self.balanceOf[_to] += _value log Transfer(_from, _to, _value) @view @internal def _domain_separator() -> bytes32: if chain.id != CACHED_CHAIN_ID: return keccak256( _abi_encode( EIP712_TYPEHASH, NAME_HASH, VERSION_HASH, chain.id, self, salt, ) ) return CACHED_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR @external def transferFrom(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: """ @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another. @param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from @param _to address The address which you want to transfer to @param _value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred @return bool True on successul transfer. Reverts otherwise. """ _allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[_from][msg.sender] if _allowance != max_value(uint256): self._approve(_from, msg.sender, _allowance - _value) self._transfer(_from, _to, _value) return True @external def transfer(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: """ @dev Transfer token for a specified address @param _to The address to transfer to. @param _value The amount to be transferred. @return bool True on successful transfer. Reverts otherwise. """ self._transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value) return True @external def approve(_spender: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: """ @notice Allow `_spender` to transfer up to `_value` amount of tokens from the caller's account. @param _spender The account permitted to spend up to `_value` amount of caller's funds. @param _value The amount of tokens `_spender` is allowed to spend. @return bool Success """ self._approve(msg.sender, _spender, _value) return True @external def permit( _owner: address, _spender: address, _value: uint256, _deadline: uint256, _v: uint8, _r: bytes32, _s: bytes32, ) -> bool: """ @notice Permit `_spender` to spend up to `_value` amount of `_owner`'s tokens via a signature. @dev In the event of a chain fork, replay attacks are prevented as domain separator is recalculated. However, this is only if the resulting chains update their chainId. @param _owner The account which generated the signature and is granting an allowance. @param _spender The account which will be granted an allowance. @param _value The approval amount. @param _deadline The deadline by which the signature must be submitted. @param _v The last byte of the ECDSA signature. @param _r The first 32 bytes of the ECDSA signature. @param _s The second 32 bytes of the ECDSA signature. @return bool Success. """ assert _owner != empty(address) # dev: invalid owner assert block.timestamp <= _deadline # dev: permit expired nonce: uint256 = self.nonces[_owner] digest: bytes32 = keccak256( concat( b"\x19\x01", self._domain_separator(), keccak256( _abi_encode( EIP2612_TYPEHASH, _owner, _spender, _value, nonce, _deadline ) ), ) ) assert ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s) == _owner # dev: invalid signature self.nonces[_owner] = unsafe_add(nonce, 1) # <-- Unsafe add is safe here. self._approve(_owner, _spender, _value) return True @internal def mint(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: """ @dev Mint an amount of the token and assigns it to an account. This encapsulates the modification of balances such that the proper events are emitted. @param _to The account that will receive the created tokens. @param _value The amount that will be created. @return bool Success. """ self.totalSupply += _value self.balanceOf[_to] += _value log Transfer(empty(address), _to, _value) return True @internal def burnFrom(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: """ @dev Burn an amount of the token from a given account. @param _to The account whose tokens will be burned. @param _value The amount that will be burned. @return bool Success. """ self.totalSupply -= _value self.balanceOf[_to] -= _value log Transfer(_to, empty(address), _value) return True # ------------------------- AMM View Functions ------------------------------- @internal @view def internal_price_oracle() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the oracle price of the coin at index `k` w.r.t the coin at index 0. @dev The oracle is an exponential moving average, with a periodicity determined by `self.ma_time`. The aggregated prices are cached state prices (dy/dx) calculated AFTER the latest trade. @param k The index of the coin. @return uint256 Price oracle value of kth coin. """ price_oracle: uint256 = self.cached_price_oracle price_scale: uint256 = self.cached_price_scale last_prices_timestamp: uint256 = self._unpack_2(self.last_timestamp)[0] if last_prices_timestamp < block.timestamp: # <------------ Update moving # average if needed. last_prices: uint256 = self.last_prices ma_time: uint256 = self._unpack_3(self.packed_rebalancing_params)[2] alpha: uint256 = MATH.wad_exp( -convert( unsafe_sub(block.timestamp, last_prices_timestamp) * 10**18 / ma_time, int256, ) ) # ---- We cap state price that goes into the EMA with 2 x price_scale. return ( min(last_prices, 2 * price_scale) * (10**18 - alpha) + price_oracle * alpha ) / 10**18 return price_oracle @external @view def fee_receiver() -> address: """ @notice Returns the address of the admin fee receiver. @return address Fee receiver. """ return factory.fee_receiver() @external @view def admin() -> address: """ @notice Returns the address of the pool's admin. @return address Admin. """ return factory.admin() @external @view def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool) -> uint256: """ @notice Calculate LP tokens minted or to be burned for depositing or removing `amounts` of coins @dev Includes fee. @param amounts Amounts of tokens being deposited or withdrawn @param deposit True if it is a deposit action, False if withdrawn. @return uint256 Amount of LP tokens deposited or withdrawn. """ view_contract: address = factory.views_implementation() return Views(view_contract).calc_token_amount(amounts, deposit, self) @external @view def get_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256) -> uint256: """ @notice Get amount of coin[j] tokens received for swapping in dx amount of coin[i] @dev Includes fee. @param i index of input token. Check pool.coins(i) to get coin address at ith index @param j index of output token @param dx amount of input coin[i] tokens @return uint256 Exact amount of output j tokens for dx amount of i input tokens. """ view_contract: address = factory.views_implementation() return Views(view_contract).get_dy(i, j, dx, self) @external @view def get_dx(i: uint256, j: uint256, dy: uint256) -> uint256: """ @notice Get amount of coin[i] tokens to input for swapping out dy amount of coin[j] @dev This is an approximate method, and returns estimates close to the input amount. Expensive to call on-chain. @param i index of input token. Check pool.coins(i) to get coin address at ith index @param j index of output token @param dy amount of input coin[j] tokens received @return uint256 Approximate amount of input i tokens to get dy amount of j tokens. """ view_contract: address = factory.views_implementation() return Views(view_contract).get_dx(i, j, dy, self) @external @view @nonreentrant("lock") def lp_price() -> uint256: """ @notice Calculates the current price of the LP token w.r.t coin at the 0th index @return uint256 LP price. """ return 2 * self.virtual_price * isqrt(self.internal_price_oracle() * 10**18) / 10**18 @external @view @nonreentrant("lock") def get_virtual_price() -> uint256: """ @notice Calculates the current virtual price of the pool LP token. @dev Not to be confused with `self.virtual_price` which is a cached virtual price. @return uint256 Virtual Price. """ return 10**18 * self.get_xcp(self.D, self.cached_price_scale) / self.totalSupply @external @view @nonreentrant("lock") def price_oracle() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the oracle price of the coin at index `k` w.r.t the coin at index 0. @dev The oracle is an exponential moving average, with a periodicity determined by `self.ma_time`. The aggregated prices are cached state prices (dy/dx) calculated AFTER the latest trade. @return uint256 Price oracle value of kth coin. """ return self.internal_price_oracle() @external @view @nonreentrant("lock") def xcp_oracle() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the oracle value for xcp. @dev The oracle is an exponential moving average, with a periodicity determined by `self.xcp_ma_time`. `TVL` is xcp, calculated as either: 1. virtual_price * total_supply, OR 2. self.get_xcp(...), OR 3. MATH.geometric_mean(xp) @return uint256 Oracle value of xcp. """ last_prices_timestamp: uint256 = self._unpack_2(self.last_timestamp)[1] cached_xcp_oracle: uint256 = self.cached_xcp_oracle if last_prices_timestamp < block.timestamp: alpha: uint256 = MATH.wad_exp( -convert( unsafe_div( unsafe_sub(block.timestamp, last_prices_timestamp) * 10**18, self.xcp_ma_time ), int256, ) ) return (self.last_xcp * (10**18 - alpha) + cached_xcp_oracle * alpha) / 10**18 return cached_xcp_oracle @external @view @nonreentrant("lock") def price_scale() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the price scale of the coin at index `k` w.r.t the coin at index 0. @dev Price scale determines the price band around which liquidity is concentrated. @return uint256 Price scale of coin. """ return self.cached_price_scale @external @view def fee() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the fee charged by the pool at current state. @dev Not to be confused with the fee charged at liquidity action, since there the fee is calculated on `xp` AFTER liquidity is added or removed. @return uint256 fee bps. """ return self._fee(self.xp(self.balances, self.cached_price_scale)) @view @external def calc_withdraw_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: uint256) -> uint256: """ @notice Calculates output tokens with fee @param token_amount LP Token amount to burn @param i token in which liquidity is withdrawn @return uint256 Amount of ith tokens received for burning token_amount LP tokens. """ return self._calc_withdraw_one_coin( self._A_gamma(), token_amount, i, (self.future_A_gamma_time > block.timestamp) )[0] @external @view def calc_token_fee( amounts: uint256[N_COINS], xp: uint256[N_COINS] ) -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the fee charged on the given amounts for add_liquidity. @param amounts The amounts of coins being added to the pool. @param xp The current balances of the pool multiplied by coin precisions. @return uint256 Fee charged. """ return self._calc_token_fee(amounts, xp) @view @external def A() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the current pool amplification parameter. @return uint256 A param. """ return self._A_gamma()[0] @view @external def gamma() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the current pool gamma parameter. @return uint256 gamma param. """ return self._A_gamma()[1] @view @external def mid_fee() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the current mid fee @return uint256 mid_fee value. """ return self._unpack_3(self.packed_fee_params)[0] @view @external def out_fee() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the current out fee @return uint256 out_fee value. """ return self._unpack_3(self.packed_fee_params)[1] @view @external def fee_gamma() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the current fee gamma @return uint256 fee_gamma value. """ return self._unpack_3(self.packed_fee_params)[2] @view @external def allowed_extra_profit() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the current allowed extra profit @return uint256 allowed_extra_profit value. """ return self._unpack_3(self.packed_rebalancing_params)[0] @view @external def adjustment_step() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the current adjustment step @return uint256 adjustment_step value. """ return self._unpack_3(self.packed_rebalancing_params)[1] @view @external def ma_time() -> uint256: """ @notice Returns the current moving average time in seconds @dev To get time in seconds, the parameter is multipled by ln(2) One can expect off-by-one errors here. @return uint256 ma_time value. """ return self._unpack_3(self.packed_rebalancing_params)[2] * 694 / 1000 @view @external def precisions() -> uint256[N_COINS]: # <-------------- For by view contract. """ @notice Returns the precisions of each coin in the pool. @return uint256[3] precisions of coins. """ return PRECISIONS @external @view def fee_calc(xp: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256: # <----- For by view contract. """ @notice Returns the fee charged by the pool at current state. @param xp The current balances of the pool multiplied by coin precisions. @return uint256 Fee value. """ return self._fee(xp) @view @external def DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() -> bytes32: """ @notice EIP712 domain separator. @return bytes32 Domain Separator set for the current chain. """ return self._domain_separator() # ------------------------- AMM Admin Functions ------------------------------ @external def ramp_A_gamma( future_A: uint256, future_gamma: uint256, future_time: uint256 ): """ @notice Initialise Ramping A and gamma parameter values linearly. @dev Only accessible by factory admin, and only @param future_A The future A value. @param future_gamma The future gamma value. @param future_time The timestamp at which the ramping will end. """ assert msg.sender == factory.admin() # dev: only owner assert block.timestamp > self.initial_A_gamma_time + (MIN_RAMP_TIME - 1) # dev: ramp undergoing assert future_time > block.timestamp + MIN_RAMP_TIME - 1 # dev: insufficient time A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma() initial_A_gamma: uint256 = A_gamma[0] << 128 initial_A_gamma = initial_A_gamma | A_gamma[1] assert future_A > MIN_A - 1 assert future_A < MAX_A + 1 assert future_gamma > MIN_GAMMA - 1 assert future_gamma < MAX_GAMMA + 1 ratio: uint256 = 10**18 * future_A / A_gamma[0] assert ratio < 10**18 * MAX_A_CHANGE + 1 assert ratio > 10**18 / MAX_A_CHANGE - 1 ratio = 10**18 * future_gamma / A_gamma[1] assert ratio < 10**18 * MAX_A_CHANGE + 1 assert ratio > 10**18 / MAX_A_CHANGE - 1 self.initial_A_gamma = initial_A_gamma self.initial_A_gamma_time = block.timestamp future_A_gamma: uint256 = future_A << 128 future_A_gamma = future_A_gamma | future_gamma self.future_A_gamma_time = future_time self.future_A_gamma = future_A_gamma log RampAgamma( A_gamma[0], future_A, A_gamma[1], future_gamma, block.timestamp, future_time, ) @external def stop_ramp_A_gamma(): """ @notice Stop Ramping A and gamma parameters immediately. @dev Only accessible by factory admin. """ assert msg.sender == factory.admin() # dev: only owner A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma() current_A_gamma: uint256 = A_gamma[0] << 128 current_A_gamma = current_A_gamma | A_gamma[1] self.initial_A_gamma = current_A_gamma self.future_A_gamma = current_A_gamma self.initial_A_gamma_time = block.timestamp self.future_A_gamma_time = block.timestamp # ------ Now (block.timestamp < t1) is always False, so we return saved A. log StopRampA(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], block.timestamp) @external @nonreentrant('lock') def apply_new_parameters( _new_mid_fee: uint256, _new_out_fee: uint256, _new_fee_gamma: uint256, _new_allowed_extra_profit: uint256, _new_adjustment_step: uint256, _new_ma_time: uint256, _new_xcp_ma_time: uint256, ): """ @notice Commit new parameters. @dev Only accessible by factory admin. @param _new_mid_fee The new mid fee. @param _new_out_fee The new out fee. @param _new_fee_gamma The new fee gamma. @param _new_allowed_extra_profit The new allowed extra profit. @param _new_adjustment_step The new adjustment step. @param _new_ma_time The new ma time. ma_time is time_in_seconds/ln(2). @param _new_xcp_ma_time The new ma time for xcp oracle. """ assert msg.sender == factory.admin() # dev: only owner # ----------------------------- Set fee params --------------------------- new_mid_fee: uint256 = _new_mid_fee new_out_fee: uint256 = _new_out_fee new_fee_gamma: uint256 = _new_fee_gamma current_fee_params: uint256[3] = self._unpack_3(self.packed_fee_params) if new_out_fee < MAX_FEE + 1: assert new_out_fee > MIN_FEE - 1 # dev: fee is out of range else: new_out_fee = current_fee_params[1] if new_mid_fee > MAX_FEE: new_mid_fee = current_fee_params[0] assert new_mid_fee <= new_out_fee # dev: mid-fee is too high if new_fee_gamma < 10**18: assert new_fee_gamma > 0 # dev: fee_gamma out of range [1 .. 10**18] else: new_fee_gamma = current_fee_params[2] self.packed_fee_params = self._pack_3([new_mid_fee, new_out_fee, new_fee_gamma]) # ----------------- Set liquidity rebalancing parameters ----------------- new_allowed_extra_profit: uint256 = _new_allowed_extra_profit new_adjustment_step: uint256 = _new_adjustment_step new_ma_time: uint256 = _new_ma_time current_rebalancing_params: uint256[3] = self._unpack_3(self.packed_rebalancing_params) if new_allowed_extra_profit > 10**18: new_allowed_extra_profit = current_rebalancing_params[0] if new_adjustment_step > 10**18: new_adjustment_step = current_rebalancing_params[1] if new_ma_time < 872542: # <----- Calculated as: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / ln(2) assert new_ma_time > 86 # dev: MA time should be longer than 60/ln(2) else: new_ma_time = current_rebalancing_params[2] self.packed_rebalancing_params = self._pack_3( [new_allowed_extra_profit, new_adjustment_step, new_ma_time] ) # Set xcp oracle moving average window time: new_xcp_ma_time: uint256 = _new_xcp_ma_time if new_xcp_ma_time < 872542: assert new_xcp_ma_time > 86 # dev: xcp MA time should be longer than 60/ln(2) else: new_xcp_ma_time = self.xcp_ma_time self.xcp_ma_time = new_xcp_ma_time # ---------------------------------- LOG --------------------------------- log NewParameters( new_mid_fee, new_out_fee, new_fee_gamma, new_allowed_extra_profit, new_adjustment_step, new_ma_time, _new_xcp_ma_time, )
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Contract Creation Code
Deployed Bytecode
Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)
-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : _name (string): CVG/ETH
Arg [1] : _symbol (string): CVGETH
Arg [2] : _coins (address[2]): 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2,0x97efFB790f2fbB701D88f89DB4521348A2B77be8
Arg [3] : _math (address): 0x2005995a71243be9FB995DaB4742327dc76564Df
Arg [4] : _salt (bytes32): 0x8b3e7c35dc15493b997131128ce5d1160ce6db8d0d3dbd773c3efe6fc2f8aff2
Arg [5] : packed_precisions (uint256): 340282366920938463463374607431768211457
Arg [6] : packed_gamma_A (uint256): 136112946768375385385349842972852284582400000
Arg [7] : packed_fee_params (uint256): 8847341539944400050877843276543133320576000000
Arg [8] : packed_rebalancing_params (uint256): 680564733841876929619973849625130958848000000000600
Arg [9] : initial_price (uint256): 178335061051576
-----Encoded View---------------
15 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000160
Arg [1] : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a0
Arg [2] : 000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2
Arg [3] : 00000000000000000000000097effb790f2fbb701d88f89db4521348a2b77be8
Arg [4] : 0000000000000000000000002005995a71243be9fb995dab4742327dc76564df
Arg [5] : 8b3e7c35dc15493b997131128ce5d1160ce6db8d0d3dbd773c3efe6fc2f8aff2
Arg [6] : 0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000001
Arg [7] : 00000000000000000000000000061a800000000000000000000083e0717e1000
Arg [8] : 000000000000000000000000018cba800000000002aea5400000d12f0c4c6000
Arg [9] : 0000000000000000000001d1a94a2000000084c9462320000000000000000258
Arg [10] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a231ddf708b8
Arg [11] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007
Arg [12] : 4356472f45544800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Arg [13] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006
Arg [14] : 4356474554480000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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